
 What We Fund    

We Believe

We believe that natural spaces are vital to the health and wellbeing of individuals, local communities, and the common good — and that people who feel connected to the outdoors will actively protect our shared natural resources.

Our Aspiration

  • Ensure that all people have access to natural spaces and the mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing they provide.

  • Increase opportunities for youth to participate in outdoor activities.

  • Encourage lifelong stewards of nature as well as active lifestyles.

What We Fund

To support achievement of our aspirations, we seek to fund an intentional mix of Environment endeavors, including:

Youth Participation
We predominantly invest in efforts to expand opportunities for youth — particularly youth from under-resourced and underrepresented communities — to participate in outdoor and environment-related activities.

Parks and Public Spaces
We also invest in organizations that steward local and national parks and seek to engage people with those public resources.

Protecting Land
We provide limited support to organizations that primarily seek to protect land and natural resources from development.

Grantee Spotlights